Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Albert Einstein is best known for his equation e=mc2 in physics. this famous equation had both good and negative outcomes. the negative upon this quote that this helped create the atomic bomb. the good is that the equation solves the matter energy equivalence. this equation inspires us on how energy equaled mass times the speed of light squared but then threaten us due to the fact that this same formula would create a weapon of mass destruction.
what seemed very interesting to me about Einstein was that he never showed up for school. now, how cool is that, not going to class but yet still being one of the most successful and known scientist! although he didn't go to school, he was extremely dedicated to science, as the biography movie that we saw in class  showed us.


My thinking on science and humanities hasn't changed. I mean i found some of the topics that we learned in class were very interesting but it still gave the same outlook of "boring to me".  I still am not much of a science person, i don't like it and i don't find it fun in any way.
My thoughts on technology definitely did change throughout this course. Before this class i never really though about robots or cloning. It's kind of scary to even imagine that in the future we will have robots doing the same things that we do. Although i'm a big fan of all the new technology, i personally wouldn't want robots or human cloning to ever come along.
Also  my thoughts on technology changed when we learned very briefly about the dangers in Foxconn's companies. We as consumers are always so awed with the latest iphone or ipad but most of us don't know the working conditions. I always knew that these things are made in China, but i though of it in a very vague way. i never really thought about the working conditions or the safety of the suppliers. After studying and learning more about this topic, it definitely gave me a change of thought of Apple as a company.
Overall, this course was very interesting and different from any other course I've taken. Although i didn't like the the science parts of the course i still found it interesting and beneficial. i also think i'm still more of a humanities person then science!


My research topic is on the dangers and working conditions in the Foxconn company in China. One of the sources that i came across is "Student Workers In the Empire: The Commodification of Education and Labor in China" by Yuhui Su. This journal explains how schools in China have some type of connection with the Foxconn Companies because they make students go intern at the factory. Students get sent to Foxconn to intern because they go to technical schools, which the schools believe is a good experience. The article explains that the students get the same treatment as the other workers but they don't receive benefits like the other workers. Even though these students found it pointless to work at Foxconn, they had no choice. These students were forced to intern at Foxconn if they wanted to graduate.
 I believe that just because these students were working in Foxconn as interns it shouldn’t mean that they don’t get benefits like the rest of the employees. Also I don't even think they should be forced to work in order to graduate. Being able to graduate and working in a company should be two different things that shouldn't have to depend on each other. These schools are very unfair to me because some of the students aren't majoring in technology but yet they still have to do this internship. Many of the students say that it's useless to work in the company and that they don't learn anything because they feel like they're machines, they do the same step up to 3,000 times a day.

Another article I came across is "In China, Human Costs Are Built Into An iPad" by Charles Duhigg and Barboza David. In this article i came across a lot of safety issues that goes in Foxconn. Some of the safety issues are things like explosions due to aluminum dust. So many people die because of these safety issues which is not right because something so simple like ventilation can control dust, and prevent explosions. this makes it seem like the company doesn't care about their workers safety because theres been more then one explosion due to aluminum dust. These workers work really hard and i think that they deserve a little more safety in these companies 

Monday, April 23, 2012


 The clip that appeals to me is I Robot with Will Smith. I never watched watched the movie before so just seeing the trailer was very interesting. What appealed to me the most was that in this movie it seems to be that the robots are being portrayed negatively. In the clip it shows how robots were used for jobs like garbage men, babysitters, etc; but the main argument in this movie would be how theres one robot who killed a human. Will Smith, plays the role where he's against these robots and he believes that the robot  killed the human unlike the rest of his co-workers and robot builders who believe that a robot can't kill a human being. It seems interesting because theres a part where Will Smith says "somehow i told you so, just didn't quite say it" which means that it did turned out that robots couldn't be trusted and that they were bad for the community. The only positivity in the short video clip that I saw was that some of these robots were being used with for jobs such as garbage men.
Another video clip that I view as terrible or terrifying is The Terminator. I see this as terrible because how creepy would it be to really have a stalker who's trying to kill you but yet you can't kill him. The fact that he's a machine in the inside, all human skin on the outside, and that you wouldn't be able to kill him is very terrifying. In the short trailer it shows how this machine, known as the terminator, is stalking a girl named Sara because he wants to kill her. The clip also shows that theres a guy who's trying to protect her and shoots the terminator but it doesn't die because its a machine in the inside. There's also a part where it shows him trying to stitch or fix himself back up, which shows how scary it can really be. Now unlike I Robot, the Terminator doesn't show robots or machines being useful or friendly. Instead its just one evil machine trying to kill someone instead of showing robots as helping people in a community.
I honestly think that most people would accept robots. I think this because our technology now-a-days is so advanced that in the future robots are going to be our neighbor and we will be so accustomed to it. Although I believe just like David Galernter, that robots will have the intelligence but i don't think that they will have our consciousness. Robots can be useful workers just like it shows in I Robot but i don't think they can be trusted like someone might be able to trust a human being.


For my research paper I'm thinking of these 3 ideas: a close reading and analysis of a work or film that uses science or technology; portraying robots; or a new idea that was given to us which is the ecstasy and the agony of technology: the promise of apple's product vs. the realities of factory labor used to create them. All these three topics interest me and I'm still undecided. If I had to pick right now my number one choice, it would be the last topic with the apple products vs the realities of factory labor used to create them.
I'm very interested in this and would like to go more into depth and basically just learn more about how apple products are  made because I'm a big apple product lover. Also, in class we watched a video that showed how these apple products were made, they had workers working 12 hour shifts for very little pay. The video also showed how there would even be explosions due to the making of these products. Not only that, but when the product is finished, apple sells it to its buyers for a lot of money. Just by watching this short video clip, it made me want to learn a lot more of what people in China have to go through just to make these products, that we apple product users, don't know about. For example I could really be using an iPad that took someone 1 week of 12 hour shifts to make and get paid very little for.
By writing this blog I think I just made my decision by deciding that I'm definitley going to write my paper on this topic. It just grabs my attention to much and it makes me want to research, since the paper does have to be 10 pages long I want to make it 10 pages worth of fun ! :)

Monday, March 26, 2012

Blog assignment #2, LIB200

One show that I watch all the time is Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. This show is basically about different scenarios where victims either get raped, killed, abused, etc. This show has a little bit of science when the forensic scientist goes through whatever the detectives have gathered for her to examine. For example, when they have a rape victim and the guy leaves semen on the victim, they detectives can bring that to the forensic scientist and she can easily figure out who matches to that particular semen. Also if there was to be a killed victim and the killer was to leave some type of fingerprints, or some of his blood by any chance; they can also easily figure out who matches to those fingerprints or to the blood. The language spoken on the show is accurate and it does seem realistic. I think it keeps audiences "awed" because if similar situation like these were to happen to any of us, we would want to figure out who the criminal is. The science in this show is definitely not dumbed down, but better yet very advanced.
In this show I believe that the science part "awes" me! The technology used in this show is so good that it shouldn't be hard to find criminals when they do leave some type of DNA behind. I also think that it inspires me because if we can do this type of science now, who knows how more advanced the science can get 10 years from now.
If people in the U.S. were to watch this show, and they saw that at the end of the show the detectives catch their perpetrator because of science, i think that a lot of them would feel the same way I do. I don't think that anybody would feel threatened with this type of science, I actually believe that many would agree and accept this type of science.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Blog Assignment #1

Hi , my name is Daniela Morales. I'm a student at LaGuardia Community College and I'm majoring in Liberal Arts: Science and Humanities.This is my last semester in LaGuardia and I want to attend a four year school after I graduate. My short term goals are to pass all my classes so I can graduate from LaGuardia and my career goals is to become a successful elementary school teacher in Florida. 

I believe that I am more of a Humanities person. I believe this because I'm a lot more interested and enthusiastic about the quality or state of being human rather then learning about science. I can also say that I am a technology person because I always like to have the latest gadgets or at least know about them . I personally dislike science ever since high school. In high school I had to take two Chemistry classes and they were absolutely boring and even though science doesn't just revolve around chemistry, high school made the image of science boring. I was always better in different subject then I was in science. I think that I enjoy being around people and I enjoy socializing with other humans and I can actually say that the study of humanism does interest me. For example, when people talk about psychology and they learn about how the brain works or why people react a certain way to a certain situation, that grabs my attention. Also, every since I was younger, I was always pictured myself being a teacher, so I enjoy being around kids, and helping them with homework or other work they might need help in. 
I think that most people have a neutral thinking about science/technology. Science/technology has both it's  positives and negatives. Some of the positivities is that technology now-a-days is so advanced that you can almost do anything with a gadget such as a smart phone. The negatives on technology is that since so many people in the U.S. have such gadgets as the smart phones, we are losing  communication skills when it comes to talking to someone face to face. I love that technology is getting more advanced day by day but I know some people feel slightly different.