Monday, April 23, 2012


For my research paper I'm thinking of these 3 ideas: a close reading and analysis of a work or film that uses science or technology; portraying robots; or a new idea that was given to us which is the ecstasy and the agony of technology: the promise of apple's product vs. the realities of factory labor used to create them. All these three topics interest me and I'm still undecided. If I had to pick right now my number one choice, it would be the last topic with the apple products vs the realities of factory labor used to create them.
I'm very interested in this and would like to go more into depth and basically just learn more about how apple products are  made because I'm a big apple product lover. Also, in class we watched a video that showed how these apple products were made, they had workers working 12 hour shifts for very little pay. The video also showed how there would even be explosions due to the making of these products. Not only that, but when the product is finished, apple sells it to its buyers for a lot of money. Just by watching this short video clip, it made me want to learn a lot more of what people in China have to go through just to make these products, that we apple product users, don't know about. For example I could really be using an iPad that took someone 1 week of 12 hour shifts to make and get paid very little for.
By writing this blog I think I just made my decision by deciding that I'm definitley going to write my paper on this topic. It just grabs my attention to much and it makes me want to research, since the paper does have to be 10 pages long I want to make it 10 pages worth of fun ! :)

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