Monday, April 23, 2012


 The clip that appeals to me is I Robot with Will Smith. I never watched watched the movie before so just seeing the trailer was very interesting. What appealed to me the most was that in this movie it seems to be that the robots are being portrayed negatively. In the clip it shows how robots were used for jobs like garbage men, babysitters, etc; but the main argument in this movie would be how theres one robot who killed a human. Will Smith, plays the role where he's against these robots and he believes that the robot  killed the human unlike the rest of his co-workers and robot builders who believe that a robot can't kill a human being. It seems interesting because theres a part where Will Smith says "somehow i told you so, just didn't quite say it" which means that it did turned out that robots couldn't be trusted and that they were bad for the community. The only positivity in the short video clip that I saw was that some of these robots were being used with for jobs such as garbage men.
Another video clip that I view as terrible or terrifying is The Terminator. I see this as terrible because how creepy would it be to really have a stalker who's trying to kill you but yet you can't kill him. The fact that he's a machine in the inside, all human skin on the outside, and that you wouldn't be able to kill him is very terrifying. In the short trailer it shows how this machine, known as the terminator, is stalking a girl named Sara because he wants to kill her. The clip also shows that theres a guy who's trying to protect her and shoots the terminator but it doesn't die because its a machine in the inside. There's also a part where it shows him trying to stitch or fix himself back up, which shows how scary it can really be. Now unlike I Robot, the Terminator doesn't show robots or machines being useful or friendly. Instead its just one evil machine trying to kill someone instead of showing robots as helping people in a community.
I honestly think that most people would accept robots. I think this because our technology now-a-days is so advanced that in the future robots are going to be our neighbor and we will be so accustomed to it. Although I believe just like David Galernter, that robots will have the intelligence but i don't think that they will have our consciousness. Robots can be useful workers just like it shows in I Robot but i don't think they can be trusted like someone might be able to trust a human being.

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