Tuesday, June 5, 2012


My research topic is on the dangers and working conditions in the Foxconn company in China. One of the sources that i came across is "Student Workers In the Empire: The Commodification of Education and Labor in China" by Yuhui Su. This journal explains how schools in China have some type of connection with the Foxconn Companies because they make students go intern at the factory. Students get sent to Foxconn to intern because they go to technical schools, which the schools believe is a good experience. The article explains that the students get the same treatment as the other workers but they don't receive benefits like the other workers. Even though these students found it pointless to work at Foxconn, they had no choice. These students were forced to intern at Foxconn if they wanted to graduate.
 I believe that just because these students were working in Foxconn as interns it shouldn’t mean that they don’t get benefits like the rest of the employees. Also I don't even think they should be forced to work in order to graduate. Being able to graduate and working in a company should be two different things that shouldn't have to depend on each other. These schools are very unfair to me because some of the students aren't majoring in technology but yet they still have to do this internship. Many of the students say that it's useless to work in the company and that they don't learn anything because they feel like they're machines, they do the same step up to 3,000 times a day.

Another article I came across is "In China, Human Costs Are Built Into An iPad" by Charles Duhigg and Barboza David. In this article i came across a lot of safety issues that goes in Foxconn. Some of the safety issues are things like explosions due to aluminum dust. So many people die because of these safety issues which is not right because something so simple like ventilation can control dust, and prevent explosions. this makes it seem like the company doesn't care about their workers safety because theres been more then one explosion due to aluminum dust. These workers work really hard and i think that they deserve a little more safety in these companies 

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