Tuesday, June 5, 2012


My thinking on science and humanities hasn't changed. I mean i found some of the topics that we learned in class were very interesting but it still gave the same outlook of "boring to me".  I still am not much of a science person, i don't like it and i don't find it fun in any way.
My thoughts on technology definitely did change throughout this course. Before this class i never really though about robots or cloning. It's kind of scary to even imagine that in the future we will have robots doing the same things that we do. Although i'm a big fan of all the new technology, i personally wouldn't want robots or human cloning to ever come along.
Also  my thoughts on technology changed when we learned very briefly about the dangers in Foxconn's companies. We as consumers are always so awed with the latest iphone or ipad but most of us don't know the working conditions. I always knew that these things are made in China, but i though of it in a very vague way. i never really thought about the working conditions or the safety of the suppliers. After studying and learning more about this topic, it definitely gave me a change of thought of Apple as a company.
Overall, this course was very interesting and different from any other course I've taken. Although i didn't like the the science parts of the course i still found it interesting and beneficial. i also think i'm still more of a humanities person then science!

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