Thursday, March 15, 2012

Blog Assignment #1

Hi , my name is Daniela Morales. I'm a student at LaGuardia Community College and I'm majoring in Liberal Arts: Science and Humanities.This is my last semester in LaGuardia and I want to attend a four year school after I graduate. My short term goals are to pass all my classes so I can graduate from LaGuardia and my career goals is to become a successful elementary school teacher in Florida. 

I believe that I am more of a Humanities person. I believe this because I'm a lot more interested and enthusiastic about the quality or state of being human rather then learning about science. I can also say that I am a technology person because I always like to have the latest gadgets or at least know about them . I personally dislike science ever since high school. In high school I had to take two Chemistry classes and they were absolutely boring and even though science doesn't just revolve around chemistry, high school made the image of science boring. I was always better in different subject then I was in science. I think that I enjoy being around people and I enjoy socializing with other humans and I can actually say that the study of humanism does interest me. For example, when people talk about psychology and they learn about how the brain works or why people react a certain way to a certain situation, that grabs my attention. Also, every since I was younger, I was always pictured myself being a teacher, so I enjoy being around kids, and helping them with homework or other work they might need help in. 
I think that most people have a neutral thinking about science/technology. Science/technology has both it's  positives and negatives. Some of the positivities is that technology now-a-days is so advanced that you can almost do anything with a gadget such as a smart phone. The negatives on technology is that since so many people in the U.S. have such gadgets as the smart phones, we are losing  communication skills when it comes to talking to someone face to face. I love that technology is getting more advanced day by day but I know some people feel slightly different. 

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